
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Our Christmas Traditions

It's Sharon! I'm super sad to be missing out on all the Colorado snow while on vacation here in Texas, but this year is one of the last years that Elise and I will be able to leave for a month and spend time with all our family in Texas.  Living far away from family has its disadvantages, and we try to make a lot of them up in one short month.  We visit until our family is ready for us to leave! ha!

We had an amazing drive down here to Texas.  Both the dogs & Elise were amazing in the car.  Elise only used the ipad once, just at the tail end of the 15.5 hour drive.  Most of the time, we just sung Christmas songs and talked about things we saw outside the car window.

Since we've been here everyone has been a little more naughty. The dogs pooped on Nana's fancy rug, one of the dogs puked on her Restoration Hardware chair, and Elise drew all over a speaker with crayon that I had to use "goof off" to get off - it was harder to remove than I expected. She also broke a decorative glass bird.  Eeeee. Good thing we are family, and Nana loves us.

I learned that I'm not a very good "elf on the shelf person". Our elf stays up too late, and forgets to visit Santa. Then early in the morning while everyone is getting ready for the day, he flies off to visit Santa and comes back. It's really ok because today Elise forgot to look for "Bell" even after I reminded her 3 or 4 times that she hadn't found him yet. She's not 100% into it yet either.  But I really hope to add it to our Christmas traditions...not because I think she cares what Elf thinks of her behavior but more for the magic.  Christmas is such a fun magical time, and I believe in anything that makes it more magical.

Every Christmas in my house we make what we call, Tree Cookies.  Tree Cookies are homemade sugar cookies with homemade green icing put across them and a red hot on top.  They all look the same. We love to make them, and love even more to eat them.

We are crazy about puzzles here too, and I'm proud to announce that Elise has the puzzle gene.  It is seriously about the only thing she will sit still to do.  She is naturally good at seeing how things fit together, and she's got mad puzzle skills. We love puzzles all year round but only bring out the big puzzles during the holiday season.  Everyone will sit down and work on them together, and it's really fun.

We also play games together on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. You can learn so much playing games together with people.  It is crazy fun to play games with lots of people with all different personalities!

On Christmas Eve we go drive around and appreciate the Christmas lights while listening to Christmas music. We put out our cookies for Santa (Tree Cookies) and a glass of milk and we watch a Christmas themed movie.  Last year we did The Polar Express, this year we may do The Polar Express again but haven't decided.  Then you can open up 1 present before you go to bed (most of the time it's something to do on Christmas Eve).

Hope you have a wonderful and merry holiday and a happy New Year! We'll see you on Monday the 4th!

What To Wear For Snowy Family Photo Sessions

Snowy family photos are always fun, but deciding what everyone should wear can sometimes be tricky...so we put together some great color palettes and tips to help you with your snowy photos!

Red, Black, Gray & White are really pretty together and have a great rustic feel for winter photos.  We are thoroughly in love with red & black plaid this season!  It just gets us in the holiday spirit!  Red is always a super pretty pop of color...especially in a field of Evergreens.  Very festive!
Cool blues are also beautiful for snowy photos-think icy, wintery.  Blue is the perfect shade to compliment a glistening snowfall.

Pops of bright colors are always fun in the snow!  We love color, and the neutral white background of snow gives you the perfect opportunity to show some fun color! Pick brightly colored scarves and accessories to spice up your photos!

Winter Neutrals like shades of subtle grays & creams are amazing in the snow too, and can be really classy!
Lastly, don't forget your fun winter accessories: fur hats, winter coats, knit hats, and scarves!!!  They are super festive and add dimension to your photos!

Snow Day | Colorado Snowy Photos

Everyone loves a snow day right?!  When you can cozy up inside, and only go out when you are ready to play!  This snow day has us thinking back to last year playing in the snow with Elise!  We cannot get over how much she has grown and changed in just a year!  And we love that she brought along her foxes for her snow adventure! 

Family Session | Fly'n B Park | Highlands Ranch, Colorado

This time of year our hearts are cozy and full of being with family.  Spending time with family...shopping...playing board games and card games...being outside together...just being together...slowing down and taking each other in.
It is such a time of connecting.  We love the connection this family had together.  Combine their connection with that beautiful Colorado snow, and our favorite time of year...and we had an awesome photo shoot!  This session was extra special because their oldest son was getting ready to leave the country for two years the following week, so it was an honor to be trusted to take their photos for them before he left!

Snowy Photos | Colorado

Oh when it snows ain't it filling
Though your nose gets a chilling
We'll frolic and play the Eskimo way
Walking in a winter wonderland

Tis' the season for snowy photos!  And we love every second of it!!!
We love catching snowflakes!  We love running in freshly fallen snow! We love the wonder and awe in children's eyes as they play in it!  We love the hot cocoa that follows!

Looking back at this session from last year has us ready to grab our mittens and sleds and play in the snow with our kiddos! 
Look at that pure joy!  Falling snow is simply magical!
Those eyes and those rosy cheeks!  Oh we just cannot get enough of this cutie!

Our Favorite Local Snowy Photo Session Spots

The snow here in Colorado is absolutely gorgeous, and it really makes for an amazing backdrop for photos!  I just wanted to highlight three of my absolute favorite locations for snowy family photos.

1. Fly'n B Park in Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Fly'n B Park is seriously Highlands Ranch Photographer heaven! At any given time you will likely run into 4-5 other photographers while out shooting here.  I still LOVE it though, and it's big enough to support a lot of photographers at once. There just seems to be infinite great locations, and it doesn't disappoint in the winter. 

2. South Valley Park in Littleton, Colorado [REQUIRES Jefferson County Permit]

Even though this location requires a permit it's worth it and it's easier & cheaper to get than photographing at Red Rocks.  There are two parking lots for the park one on each end of the trail, but I prefer to park alongside the street and hike down to the path.  If that's not an option then parking at the lot that's a bit further west is the way to go unless you want a long hike!

3. Columbine Open Space - Castle Rock, Colorado

Columbine Open Space in Castle Rock has this AMAZING red barn! It is a highly requested location from our clients.  The spot is technically in Castle Rock however is crazy far south of Plum Creek Pkwy.  The easiest way I've found is it head south on I-25 to Tomah Rd then come back North on the service road.  Besides the barn it has evergreens, a little moutainview, a red barn, a rock building, and a neat one lane bridge.  Just one note about this location, its a nature preserve so no dogs allowed. 

Enjoy & Happy Shooting :)

Our Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to give you a peek into our little family Thanksgiving :) via my phone photos & a crazy cute video of my daughter finishing up our puzzle!

First of all, I am crazy thankful for my family, our health and happiness; thankful for Chance and all her hard hard hard work! I couldn't do it without her! Thankful for all of our clients, supporters and of course friends who've helped me out along the way.

This was our first Thanksgiving without company or without travel, and it was an exciting adventure to cook everything ourselves.  I was in charge of shopping for all the ingredients, Gingerbread cookies, green beans and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.  My husband did just about everything else, and yes he is amazing! 

I'm pretty sure we stayed in our PJs all day.  I cheated and did a couple hours of work on Thursday morning while drinking my coffee but after that was over, I didn't look at my computer again until night time. (I can't help it I have about a thousand sticky notes of "to do" before I head to Texas) 

These are from my phone... but I still love them they are us and we were proud of all our efforts! 

bunnies.... whatever it takes to keep her entertained....

SNOW! well a little bit!

And last but not least the crazy cute video of my 3 year old finishing our puzzle

2015 Black Friday Deals | Highlands Ranch Family Photographer

I absolutely LOVE Black Friday.... now I hardly ever leave my home but the chance to purchase something when all the stores have their best deals all wrapped into one day is fantastic and exciting!!!

This year we are not disappointing, and this may be our best deals ever so grab them up now before they are gone.  Our sale will last to December 9th.  Orders placed immediately will go straight to the top of the list and have the quickest turn around.  Everything ordered in the sale will be available before Christmas EXCEPT our bloom frames (which are not on sale).  Bloom frames take 4 weeks from order date since they are custom made by hand.

November Family Fall Mini Session | Columbine Open Space | Castle Rock, Colorado

This family fall mini session was extra special because this family has not had their family photos taken before!  It was an honor to capture these moments of pure joy for them, and we are head over heels in love with how all their photos turned out!
There were so many hugs and so much laughter in this session!  The loved that poured from this family was incredible, and it shines through in their photos!

Extended Family Session | Parker, Colorado

This extended family session spanned three generations and took place on family property...making it extra special!  Having those gorgeous mountains in the background and including the animals really captured the spirit of this family! 
We love how extended family photos not only represent who is in a family, but also the bond they share.  How they capture a precise time and season in our lives to treasure forever.  Something that will only grow in value as time passes.
Like memories and stories...family photos are part of a legacy...they document who we are and our time together...something to hold near and dear to our hearts and pass down...something that captures the essence of a family's love and joy.  Does it get anymore beautiful than that?!

November Family Fall Mini Sessions | Castle Rock, Colorado | Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Cue the sleigh bells...get out the eggnog and wrapping paper...these November mini sessions just have us soooo ready for the holidays!  So many bright, happy, festive families this year!  We love that fall in Colorado means gorgeous sunshine and snow all at once...such a magical combination! 

This year we had 3 awesome locations for our November Family Fall mini sessions!  One was announced early and two were top secret until just a bit before their sessions...making photos all the more exciting!  

These first few photos are from one of our secret locations...Daniels Park...the perfect spot for a family adventure!  The view was simply stunning and the sun was shining!
For our other secret location, we found a great wintery, foresty spot...perfect for pine cone collecting and getting out our red sleigh...it was so rustic for snowy Colorado photos!  And although it looks like we are way up in the mountains, we were actually close by in the Castle Pines area!
Our third location was one of our favorite spots for November sessions...Columbine Open Space in Castle Rock!  This spot has a red barn and wooden bridge...so charming for snowy family photos!