
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Aggie Baby


Sydney Ann, 2 Months Old, sooooo cute! I used my brand new backdrop stands and backdrop for this photoshoot. I think the photos turned out great. Check out the slideshow I just created with all the GREAT photos! 

Georgetown, CO -- Christmas Market

Photos from Georgetown Christmas Market.
6th street shops
Bread available for purchase.  This guy was constantly running back and forth to get more so it must have been really good stuff.

Lots and Lots of really cute kids to photo!

More to come later...

Grocery Shopping


Grocery shopping in the snow... always more interesting.


After a wonderful turkey day, we were blessed with snow! Here's little Tesla playing in it



The new site is complete! FINALLY!  I am extremely happy with it and will continue to upload more and more photos to it as time goes on.  Some of our honeymoon photos are under the "Slideshow" link... more to be added soon! 

Check it out at www.sharonsphoto.com 

Rap Stars, Ballet Dancers, and MATH...


On Friday, I went to meet some friends at Golden City Brewery and we were soon joined by lots of scary things...

Sean's Dog, Annie, sporting her tutu...

"Old Navy" Rap Star

And then... there's Mike... making a MATH Costume!!!

Our Rental Car...


HAHAHA. James loved driving this little car, he said it was like driving a go cart.  It was a 5-speed stick shift without a tachometer ... we got it up to 90 km/h ! 

Another Moorea Photo...

Slowly I am starting to upload these for people to see!!! We had so much fun in Tahiti & Moorea on our honeymoon... I am working on a brand new photo website (soon to be released) that will feature lots of honeymoon photos for plenty of viewing fun. 
View from our over the water bungalow in Moorea



Moorea is such a beautiful island and we stayed in a really neat over the water bungalow... that is definitely the way to go!  

Honeymoon! Travel to NYC

We used airline miles to get us to Tahiti but the only stipulation for almost free tickets was to fly out of New York instead of Los Angeles.  We stayed the night in New York City near Times Square at the Wingate by Wyndham.   It was also conveniently located near B&H Photo Video; a store that I never need to go in again, I am quite satisfied buying everything online from them.  The store was filled with electronics and people willing to help but it was the craziest thing I have experienced in a store.  There were  conveyor belts running everywhere and if you wanted to purchase anything they would put it in a box from wherever you were in the store print you a receipt and send it to the front via conveyor.  It didn't matter if it was just a book or a lens filter everything went on a conveyor belt. 

This was the view from our balcony on the 18th story.

Central Park:  A peaceful place in a crazy city. 

Packing for the Honeymoon!

I am so excited because tomorrow James and I leave for Tahiti!!!! I bet you can't wait to see the photos. 

To have and to hold....

My Hubby left his ring at home....



Phew! I am glad it is over now because planning a wedding is very time consuming.  Now I can get back to what I love most: Photography.  This photo proves that I have a serious photography problem.... what can I say it was beautiful I needed to take a photo. 

The Great Sand Dunes!

Drove through Southern Colorado this past weekend and stopped at the Great Sand Dunes, they are constantly moving because of the wind but they can be as tall as 13,000 ft high! 

Late Season Skiing!

Joined some friends for some skiing this past weekend at Breckenridge.... yes I did ski down some blue/blacks with my digital SLR. I got some strange looks doing it too, but I got some great pictures.

James in the snow!


James, my fiance, standing in the snow at my apartment complex. Moving from Texas to Colorado during the middle of the winter wasn't my favorite idea, but now I love the snow and I couldn't imagine not having it...

This is the road I drive on everyday to get to work... it's a great view!

Portraits & One of the Twins

This is one of my co-workers, Brian, and a superb real estate agent. He will be helping me find a house to buy in the near future.

I brought my portable studio lights over to his house and we took these pictures in his basement.

I even had enough time to sneak in some photos of his son, Ashton. (seen below)

Ashton is so cute and I had a blast taking these photos. I can't wait to take pictures of his twin sister.

In Memory Of....


My grandfather, 87 years old, passed away on Friday, March 21st 2008. I had taken this photo 4 years ago at my cousin's wedding.

My First Photo Blog!


Welcome to my very first photo blog! I hope this will keep me motivated to keep posting and updating my website. So before we start this journey here's a little info about me!
I was born in Plano, TX but just recently relocated to Denver, CO to join my fiance, James. I have a natural eye for photography and a love of taking photos. Need something photoed? I probably have a pic of it somewhere on my computer. Just recently I have gotten into kids photography and they are so much fun, full of energy, and very genuine.

Visit my website at www.sharonaeschbach.com or see my wedding portfolio here.