
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping in the snow... always more interesting.


After a wonderful turkey day, we were blessed with snow! Here's little Tesla playing in it


The new site is complete! FINALLY!  I am extremely happy with it and will continue to upload more and more photos to it as time goes on.  Some of our honeymoon photos are under the "Slideshow" link... more to be added soon! 

Check it out at www.sharonsphoto.com 

Rap Stars, Ballet Dancers, and MATH...


On Friday, I went to meet some friends at Golden City Brewery and we were soon joined by lots of scary things...

Sean's Dog, Annie, sporting her tutu...

"Old Navy" Rap Star

And then... there's Mike... making a MATH Costume!!!