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Carrie & Jon - Engagements

James On Location
We went location scouting for the portrait shoot tomorrow. I think we found a couple great spots, the building he's leaning on is a post office in Littleton.

Alissa & Geoff

Cowdrey Family Session {SLIDESHOW}

See the slideshow here
Or go to http://www.sharonsphoto.com
Click "MAIN"
Click "Recent Work" tab
Click "Cowdrey Family"

Hugging Onto Mom
Another teaser, I've almost sorted through all the photos from Saturday's portrait shoot. Check back on Sunday for a slideshow link.

Too Cute!!!

Dan & Ashley


Delicate Arch
From the Colorado to Phoenix tour we stopped at Arches National Park in Utah and spent a couple hours hiking to the arches.

Road Meets the Desert
Neat photo taken while driving south through Utah towards Arizona and the Grand Canyon. It's crazy how much the landscape changes we went from mountains to red rocks to tall trees to desert to mountains to cactus.

Cheers to Kevin & Laura!
It's official!
Laura & Kevin's slideshow has been posted... in record timing too! (Less than two weeks) The photos were just so gorgeous and I couldn't wait to share them!!!
Click > *VIEW PHOTOS* > Slideshow

US Flag Reflections
One of those projects that I just checked off my list! My head is swarming of them so it's nice to pull one off every once and a while.

Key Flash

It's funny to me how the most boring of things makes an interesting photograph. I was actually only using this string to test the lighting for my flag photo. I found it interesting enough to make the blog.