
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Hogback Hill 5K

The Trailmark neighborhood in Littleton, CO hosted their 2nd annual Hogback Hill 5K on August 21.  I was lucky enough to be their event photographer.  The 5K benefited the Marc Jr Foundation. All event photos can be seen by clicking on this link: http://www.pictage.com/864656.

The purpose of this event is help provide funding for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), research, education, and financial support for families with children who are battling this rare form of brain cancer. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Marc Jr. Foundation. The Marc Jr. Foundation was founded in North Glenn, Colorado in 2008 and is 501(3)(c) non-profit charity. For more information, visit www.marcjr.org

It was a beautiful day for a 5K!

All event photos can be seen by clicking on this link: http://www.pictage.com/864656

Brother: Steven

While I was visiting my family in Prosper, TX for the gallery show I had the opportunity to photograph my brother before he went back off to college in Oklahoma. We just went down a couple minutes from my parents house near some hay then to an abandoned building.  And of course we did silly photos too =) 

I have to say I really like the first image of him with the cowboy hat the best... what do you think?

Today's Session: Cowdrey Family Portraits

Wow! Can't believe it's been a whole year since I photographed the Cowdrey family - how time passes so quickly! Ashton & Ayla are definitely some of my favorite photo subjects - just look at how cute they are =) We started out at the Denver Art Museum and moved to Civic Center Park - my suitcases came in handy to protect everyone from the wet ground!

James & Lindsay's Wedding

James & Lindsay were married June 20, 2010 - they held a small family wedding at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Houston, TX then threw a destination wedding in Jamaica on June 24.  Instead of a traditional rehearsal they opted for a sunset cruise with dinner on the beach.  The cruise was simply spectacular and the wedding location - amazing! Enjoy their slideshow showing off both Houston & Jamaica Weddings!

Hotel: Iberostar Rose Hall Suites in Montego Bay, Jamaica