
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Highlands Ranch Family Photographer | Fly'n B Park | R Family


{R} Family

This was part of my fall mini sessions held back in November at Fly'n B Park in Highlands Ranch, CO. This park is really a photographers dream, its got beautiful trees, a mountain view, a small brick wall and even an old white farm house.

I've been photographing this family for a few years now, back when miss Eleanor took us on a long family photo tour at the Denver Botanical Gardens and wore us all out.  Now she's easy, but she is still just as gorgeous as ever and she has the best personality.  I was actually happy to hear that she was a difficult baby, not happy because I think thats funny or anything but because my daughter is one difficult little one and if she turns out to have half the personality that miss Eleanor has I'm happy to endure the difficult times because the great times aren't too far off.

Highlands Ranch Family Photographer | DeKoevend Park | F Family


{F} Family

Part of my summer mini sessions! It's been a little while since I last photographed the F family so I was really excited when they signed up for my summer mini sessions.  We held the session at DeKoevend Park in Littleton.  Time flys so quickly, the girls are huge and this time I got to see all their sweet little personalities.

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Fly'n B Park | M Family

{ M } Family

As part of my fall mini sessions this year I photographed the M family again.  How I love these twins, they are so sweet and cute and wow that red hair is just adorable! Mom did such a great job with the clothing and color to compliment each other - I love it.  We shot this at my favorite Highlands Ranch park - Fly'n B Park.

This shoot was featured over at Couture Colorado - Baby, my favorite Mom & Baby blog, so please check it out!

Downtown Littleton Surprise Proposal! | Highlands Ranch Photographer

This was seriously the most exciting thing I've photographed this year.  It was so much fun.  Jon contacted me about doing a portrait session for him and his girlfriend, Nicole.  During the portrait session he was planning to propose! So fun & romantic - lucky girl.

It was to be a surprise so we had to be very sneaky - Jon bought a gift certificate from me for a portrait session since Nicole has always wanted to have some professional photos taken and gifted it to her for her birthday in November.  I gave Jon some location suggestions then we let Nicole choose the location.  She picked downtown Littleton and we set the date for December 1.

The ring box wouldn't fit in Jon's pocket so I had them bring their coats.  It ended up being a nice and warm that day so coats may have been a little odd but Nicole didn't seem to notice.  We started at the post office and did a few photos then walked to main street.  The proposal was to happen at the old historic town hall building but we did a few shots on the way there.  Once we found the town hall I posed Nicole so she was facing away from Jon and then I got into position and had her turn around!

Watching her reaction was priceless - I have SO many great shots but I had to post this as soon as I could because it is so fun.  LOVE IT! Congratulations Jon & Nicole!!!

Then we continued to shoot their engagement session :)

More to come... this is just a sneak peek :)