
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Chair Mountain Ranch Wedding | Highlands Ranch Photographer


The forecast said a 10% chance of rain, but not only did it rain on us it poured.  It hadn't rained all summer and all of a sudden all that rain just had to come out.  We were all thankful that it finally rained, just wished it would have waited one more day.

The sky was overcast much of the day and we started getting ready at the bride's house. I didn't notice the coordination between the house decorations and the wedding decorations until I started to edit.  Even Angela's shoes matched the wall color and the rug!  Oh and Angela had the most amazing wedding shoes ever! 

We headed out to meet Mark at McClure pass for some pre-ceremony photos.  We parked at the top and hiked our way down a little path to where the ceremony was supposed to be.  We took 2-3 photos before it started to sprinkle, so we just kept going thinking that was all that was going to happen.  Then all of a sudden it just started to downpour.  Luckily everyone had an umbrella so we started our hike back to our cars but we all got soaked.  Even Angela in her wedding dress.  I was completely soaked because I used my umbrella to protect my gear instead of myself. 

 There wasn't a backup plan for rain.  There was only one small tent at the reception at Chair Mountain Ranch that was supposed to house the food so everyone piled in and the ceremony happened right there.  The rain would come and go so we had a little bit of time for some fun photos here and there.  We used a funky old couch for some fun guest photos. 

... and they lived happily ever after. 

Riverfront Park Engagement Session | Highlands Ranch Photographer

I met up with Laura & Jay last fall to photograph their engagement session at Riverfront Park.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous - we really lucked out it had been snowing the weekend before.  We finished up their session at Ink Coffee, one of my favorite places.