As the day went on a very cold breeze blew in and everything turned cold. I lucked out by having two coats to wear and a glove left behind in my car along with two rain ponchos. We headed up to Panorama point around noon and as we drove towards the mountains the snow got thicker and thicker and the temps dropped lower and lower. Honestly... there is nothing more gorgeous than a bride in white wedding dress in the snow so I was really really excited for some bridal / couple photos in the snow. I just had to freeze through the ceremony to get there :)
View all their photos here:

Natalie handmade this cute nest to hold the rings during ceremony!

I LOVE Natalie's dress. That vintage style is very hot right now but Natalie didn't go out and buy her dress... it was passed down through the generations. Both her grandmother and her aunt wore it.

Everyone's wedding dates were sewn in the hem, even Natalie's. Such a wonderful idea!

The view at Panorama Point definitely not as spectacular when its not cloudy but still gorgeous. Brrrr!!! It was so cold... icicles and thick deep snow. Natalie was a trooper, I kept thinking she's way colder than me, and we'll both make it!

They had a Native American smudging and blessing it was really neat to see. Such a beautiful ceremony!

They were very prepared... way more prepared than I would be for the cold. Her family brought and set up tents and propane heaters. They brought lots of blankets and cuddled in close.

We gathered around the heaters... I had to warm my hands on multiple occasions during the ceremony to keep my fingers working :)

I shot these few last images out my car window... It took about 5 minutes to warm up my feet enough to be able to drive... brrr

Me and my assistant - Cayla... BRRR it was SOOO COLD! I wore my ugly poncho with happiness... kept my gear from getting wet and kept the heat in... at least I am the photographer so I don't have to worry about being in the photos... and hey I was camouflaged right :)

Honestly this was probably one of the prettiest weddings I've photographed... it was worth freezing a little bit and hey I still have all my fingers and toes so it was worth it. Such a gorgeous and very Colorado wedding.
Congrats Natalie & AJ I am honored to have photographed the start of your amazing adventure together!
View all their photos here: