
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Highlands Ranch Photographer | 2013 Favorites Round Up - Newborns, Maternity, Family & Themed Mini's

Just wanted to share some of my favorites from 2013 with you...

First up - newborns... so so many and so hard to pick, I realized I missed looking at 3 whole sessions after I put this one together.

Maternity! Growing new life is a hard task and such a beautiful time to capture it in photos... I love love love photographing these sweet bellies! 

Families!!! I photographed a ton of families in 2013 - I love working with kids... so many fun shots, laughing, hugging, dancing, playing such amazing moments to have captured.

And of course I offered some super cute themed mini sessions with a full set of props and backgrounds

And if you are curious as to where the 2013 wedding favorites are.... those are posted Valentines Day :) 

Valentines Day 2014 kids shoot is Saturday, February 1

Follow me on Facebook for more details: https://www.facebook.com/SharonArnoldiPhotography