
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Highlands Ranch Photographer | Fall Fashion

The first day of fall is here and it's time to start pulling out the long sleeves and sweaters. Here are some ideas for your fall family portrait session or mini session. You can chose to make it casual or more dressy based on your style. Pick outfits that you are comfortable with and that reflect your family. You can use the color palettes from design-seeds as a start. Don't be afraid to use patterns or even pull out some flannel.

Come See Me! JBF Sale!

Come and visit me during the fall Just Between Friends (JBF) Consignment Sale at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Sharon Arnoldi Photography has a fancy vender booth and I'll be giving out all the info for that famous FREE halloween portrait as well! 

Wednesday is PRESALE day... so if you have that fancy little presale pass you can come shop otherwise its open to the public these days: 

Fall JBF Douglas County Sale
Sept 26 - 29
Douglas County Fairgrounds, Castle Rock 

Thur & Fri 9am - 7pm
Sat 9am - 3pm (My husband James will be working my booth on Saturday) 
Sun 9am - 3pm HALF PRICE SALE! 

And of course the GET-IN-FREE pass.... print this out!!! 

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Fall Family Portraits | 2013 Fall Mini Sessions

I have a lot of inquiries about my fall mini sessions this year so I just wanted to keep everyone updated on what slots I have available... its easiest for me to keep it up on the blog because I can easily edit the post as things fill. 


This year I am holding one weekend of mini sessions.  The cost is $85 and includes a 30 minute session and 1 fully edited full resolution image of your choice. 


Sunday - November 10, 2013 - Fly'n B Park - Highlands Ranch
  • 9:30 AM - Booked
  • 10:00 AM - Booked
  • 10:30 AM - Booked
  • 11:00 AM - 
  • 1:00 PM - Pending
  • 1:30 PM - Pending
  • 2:00 PM - Booked
  • 2:30 PM - Booked
  • 3:00 PM - Booked
Book your session by emailing me:info@sharonsphoto.com, Session isn't booked until you have signed the contract and paid the session fee. 

If this date doesn't work for you, you can always book a full length portrait session at your convenience and location of your choice.  Full length sessions start at $150. 

Book your session by emailing me:info@sharonsphoto.com, Session isn't booked until you have signed the contract and paid the session fee. 

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Conifer Newborn Photography | Sweet Baby Jena

Mom and Dad were team green welcoming their very first child - which to me is amazing! When my daughter was born I just had to know as soon as possible if it was a girl or a boy so I could decorate and plan.  When I heard they were in the hospital (you probably saw my post) but I couldn't wait to find out if it was a girl or a boy - the anticipation was killing me :).

Sweet baby Jena Leigh was born (love her name) and these are her photos at 11 days new!
These were all taken at Miss Jena's home in Conifer using my mobile studio setup.

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Castle Rock Newborn Photography | Sweet Baby Henley

I got the privilege to photograph a sweet baby girl two weekends ago and I just wanted to share a few of my favorites from her session!

Miss Henley was just 10 days new at the time of the session and we photographed everything at her home in Castle Rock.  Don't you just love the nursery colors - I do :)