
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Vacation - Prosper, TX

I'm on vacation this week in Texas at my parents house.  I came to bring my two little doggies here for their three month summer vacation while we are in Germany in May.   We decided that we'd rather not board them for the three weeks we are gone - so my parents offered to take them - only downside is that we had to drive them down to Texas and will be dogless for April & June.   They will have lots of land to run and play and even people to crawl in bed with.

My parents just got a puppy a week before I showed up so they will be living in the dog house with 4 dogs.  I'm going to see If I can get a photo of all four dogs together before I head out.

I had to wear out little miss Mattie in order to get her to sit still for photos.  We are trying to teach her to sit still in your lap but she's like a little alligator and her mouth is open just looking for anything to chew on.

Mattie adores her big brother Jake and he is in love with her even if it means getting chewed on. 

Houston Wedding Photography | Anna & Mauricio | Feb 26, 2011

Anna & Mauricio held their wedding at Holy Rosary Catholic Church with reception at the Houston Club in Houston, TX.  The day before the wedding they held a traditional Vietnamese Tea Ceremony at Anna's parents house. 

See Their Story:


Ceremony: Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Reception: The Houston Club
Floral Designer: Kygan Nguyen
Cake Artist: Cake Affairs
Hair Salon & Makeup Artist: Salon Jori

Cows Gone Coconut - A Photo Story

Lindsay Karson started her gluten free cookie business, Greater Good Foods, LLC, in 2008 after struggling with her own dietary challenges the previous year.  In 2007, Karson found out she was allergic to gluten and also lactose intolerant.  These dietary challenges led her to explore other ways to make her favorite foods without using items she was allergic to.  Even with the success of her gluten free baking company, Karson was left wanting dairy free ice cream.  After successfully creating a tasty non-dairy ice cream using coconut milk, in 2010 she registered Over The Moo, a company dedicated to producing dairy free frozen desserts.  In 2011 she changed her business name to Cows Gone Coconut so she could trademark the name.

Karson currently sells her ice cream at the Denver Urban Homestead farmers market, Marczyks Grocery in Denver and is expanding to Lucky’s Grocery in Boulder.  The recipes are all hand crafted with most of the ingredients being organic and sweetened only with agave, coconut sugar and Colorado honey.  Karson mixes, dips, packages and delivers each and every pint by hand.

A Photo Story, Lindsay Karson

I am working on a photo story of small business owner, Lindsay Karson.  She owns a non-dairy frozen  dessert company - Cows Gone Coconut & teaches yoga .  I met Lindsay a couple weeks ago at a grand opening event for Samadhi Center for Yoga and I was just intrigued by her story, drive and inspirations.  I am lucky enough that she is letting me into her life for a couple weeks so I can photograph the things she does.

The Samadhi Center has an amazing room for their yoga classes and I was able to capture this image during Lindsay's 5AM Aquarian Sadhana held the first Sunday of every month.  The class is run by donation only.  Waking up at 4:30AM on Sunday morning to drive to yoga, isn't my cup of tea, however it was very peaceful, relaxing, and calming.  If I was a morning person or lived much closer this would be an uplifting way to start your day. 


Spring Fashion Ideas

The biggest question I get about photo sessions is "What should I wear?" In truth I can make any clothing selection work within a chosen background but there are definitely choices that work better than others.

In general do not wear clothing with large high contrast logos on them, any text on your shirt will be one of the first things you look at in your image, if it is a small pocket sized logo it is probably OK.  Try to have everyone stay in the same tonal range, i.e. everyone is wearing pastels and jeans instead of one person wears a black shirt and the other wears a white shirt. 

Thanks to PinkleToes For Photographers for these lovely clothing designs, can't you just imagine your photos done while wearing these -- amazing: I believe all these outfits came from Old Navy last year.

This last set is probably my least favorite, but it still works because one person is wearing a dark shirt with light colored pants and the other is the opposite so you are still balanced in the photograph.

Vietnamese Tea Ceremony, Houston, TX

As part of Anna & Mauricio's wedding they held a Vietnamese Tea Ceremony the day before.  I posted a whole gallery of images on my facebook page but I just LOVE this image.  When I was composing this image, I wanted it to show how elegant Anna looked in her dress and I think I nailed it. Check out the rest of their sneak peeks of the Vietnamese Tea Ceremony on my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SharonArnoldiPhotography