
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


A Photo Story, Lindsay Karson

I am working on a photo story of small business owner, Lindsay Karson.  She owns a non-dairy frozen  dessert company - Cows Gone Coconut & teaches yoga .  I met Lindsay a couple weeks ago at a grand opening event for Samadhi Center for Yoga and I was just intrigued by her story, drive and inspirations.  I am lucky enough that she is letting me into her life for a couple weeks so I can photograph the things she does.

The Samadhi Center has an amazing room for their yoga classes and I was able to capture this image during Lindsay's 5AM Aquarian Sadhana held the first Sunday of every month.  The class is run by donation only.  Waking up at 4:30AM on Sunday morning to drive to yoga, isn't my cup of tea, however it was very peaceful, relaxing, and calming.  If I was a morning person or lived much closer this would be an uplifting way to start your day.