
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Highlands Ranch Photographer | Fly'n B Park | 6 Month Session

Sweet baby Jena starting to grow up really fast.... I feel like it was just yesterday that I photographed her as a newborn... She is one of my baby plan clients and she came in at 3 months as well... but the 6 month session is so different just because when they sit they start becoming more than just a little baby and you start to see some of their personality.

We scheduled the shoot for the warmest day of the week except it was the day of daylight savings time and we scheduled for morning so it was still cold... brrrr... with snow on the ground.

The session we held was at Fly'n B Park in Highlands Ranch... one of my absolute favorite spots!

It got really windy and so to hide from the wind there generally is a bike tunnel to go into except the wind was blowing just that direction and it was extra windy in there so instead I had Jena's dad take everything out of the back of their SUV... I grabbed some faux fur from in my car (yes I just drive around with props in there) and we put together a makeshift set out of the wind, with the heater on full blast to just finish up our session :)

Highlands Ranch Photographer | 6 Months | Baby Plan Session

Sweet little Maya is 6 months old :) ... these were taken at Sharon Arnoldi Photography home studio using some of my new lighting gear!

Maya's mom sent me a message that she was bringing this cute outfit and so I set up the scene to match 

The photo below shows the difference between a 3 month session & the 6 month session.... so fun to do a very similar set!

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Denver Newborn Photography | Dylan - 9 Days Old

Just wanted to share baby Dylan's full blog post... I know I couldn't wait and I just posted the moon set so here are the rest of the photos.  Just for all of you curious people, all the shots were done on location (at my clients home) in Denver.  We scheduled the shoot in the morning so big sis could join the photoshoot however that ended up being Dylan's most awake time... we worked through it and he slept in both the moon and wrapped in the red bucket!

When I was editing these photos I kept saying "awwww" "ooooo" "aaaa" haha... I just love how they all turned out!

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Denver Newborn Photography | Baby Dylan - 9 Days Old

Just HAD to share this quick photo from my newborn shoot for baby Dylan last weekend.... I LOVE this prop its so perfect for a sweet little newborn shoot and Dylan did such a great job taking a quick little cozy nap in it.

The rest of his photos are super cute as well... but I've been waiting to pair this entire set together for a shoot for quite some time... so an extra quick sneak peek :)

Sweet Dreams