
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Christmas In July Family Sessions | Elk Meadow Park | Evergreen, Colorado

Cue the sleigh bells!  
We had an absolute blast with our Christmas in July family sessions!
How could we not in beautiful Evergreen, Colorado?!

We hiked into Elk Meadow Park just a bit for a gorgeous backdrop of evergreens and donned our red and gold Christmas props for our festive shoot. 

Just the thought of Christmas makes us giddy!

In Studio Newborn Session | 6 Days New

Oh how newborns just cuddle up and nestle in to sleep!
Don't you just want to snuggle her up?!

Sweet Emelia Ruth was just 6 days new when she came into the studio for her newborn session!
Watching a sleeping baby just makes everything right in the world.

Big sister Eily was so proud of her new baby sister!
She looked at her with so much awe and wonder in her eyes.

Welcome to the world beautiful Emelia!

In Home Newborn Session | 14 Days New

Baby Tyler has arrived!
And look at all that hair!

Oh this sweet boy brings back memories of those first few weeks with my little guys!
We could just snuggle him up!

We had the honor of taking Tyler's newborn photos in the comfort of his home...
Which meant we got to check out his super cute whale nursery!
We just love those yellow whales on the wall!
And how big brother Evan is bursting with pride for his new baby brother in this photo!

Cherry Hills Village Wedding | The Village Club | Kayla & Cameron June 2015

Kayla & Cameron are married!!! Just wanted to share with you their gorgeous Colorado summer wedding at The Village Club in Cherry Hills.

The video has sound & a link to view the full gallery of images at the end :) Enjoy! 


Wedding Coordinator & Florist - Quintessential Weddings & Events - http://studioqevents.com/

Ceremony Venue - The Village Club - http://www.villageclubco.org/

Cake / Desserts - Cranelli's & Whole Foods - http://www.cranellis.com/ 

Make Up Artist - Kacey Clark - http://www.kaceyclarkmakeup.com/

Hair Stylist - Fleur De Lis - Amy Kennedy - http://www.fleurdelissalonllc.com/

Officiant - Ben McKee

Caterer - Cranelli's Italian Restaurant - http://www.cranellis.com/

DJ - DJ Kiss - https://www.facebook.com/djkissmusic

Transportation - Denver Limo

Back To School Sessions Open To Book!

We are super excited to introduce Back To School Limited Edition sessions! 
Booking Now!

These 45 minute sessions are in our custom set with vintage props and allow lots of quality time for kiddos to warm up and really show their personalities!  

Located in Highlands Ranch 
Include products!!!

Saturday, August 1st from 9AM-12PM & 3PM-7PM

Check out our Back To School Guide HERE for full details.

Email us at info@sharonsphoto.com to book your session!

We also have our Back To School mini sessions available.
15 minutes

Outdoors Tuesday, August 4th from 9AM-3PM
In-studio Sunday, August 2nd 12PM-4PM

Details also found in the Back To School Guide 

In Studio Newborn Session | 8 Days New


Sweet baby Beckett was just 8 days new when he came into the studio for his newborn session!

Oh how we love the newborn stage.
Those cheeks and that soft hair.
And how they just curl up and sleep.

Welcome to the world Beckett!
It was so fun to meet you!

Photographer's Child Syndrome

I swear that is a real thing.... Photographer's Child Syndrome... Photographers out there please tell me that's a thing right???

I'm pretty sure this girl has it.  She is super smart, sassy, opinionated, outspoken and extremely stubborn all in one 2 year old (almost 3 yr old) little package.

FLASHBACK - July 2014

Last year at around this same time we went out and photographed a peek for "back to school minis" which are coming up in August.  At that time she was 22 months old and crazy easy compared to today.  She held my hand and walked beside me as I carried the props, it took 2 trips.  She held my hand the entire time like a sweet little innocent one.  I took her day clothes off and switched to the Matilda Jane Platinum size 4 top I had scored during a secret release for her to wear as a dress.  She was content with the situation and sat peacefully in the chair.  Now I had to work it for a smile but she was relatively easy & happy to participate.

TODAY - July 2015

The story this time was much different this year.  The location is in Highlands Ranch at Northridge park which is across the street from a big playground so instantly she saw it and started screaming and whining to go play.  Once I had thought I talked her out of that, I had to carry this desk a little ways to the same spot.... with the crazy rain you can see that everything is still green.  There is only a sprinkling of fall color in the same location.  Instead of holding hands it was more me begging her to follow me while my hands were full with things.  She pretended to listen for a second and then didn't follow...she darted for the playground and I had to drop everything and go pick her up kicking and screaming then sort of work her over to the shooting location.  Once the desk was in place she sat OK but would NOT look at me.... Yuck she's THAT kid that hard one who will not engage.  Eventually I tricked her to look and we got something then quickly left.

So if you think your kid is difficult to photograph I promise mine is worse.  It's always worth it in the end and it's always CRAZY to see how much they change year to year. 

P.S. She's wearing the same outfit in the same set at the same Highlands Ranch location :) 

Back To School Mini Sessions | Save The Date

School supplies have started showing up in stores...and it makes me kinda giddy.  
I just love a fresh, untouched box of crayons...brand new crisp composition books waiting to be filled with stories...the excitement of new beginnings...meeting new classmates...and the thought of all there is to learn out there!  It's exciting!

    Last year my oldest son, AJ's passion for reading was ignited in 1st grade, and it was magical to watch!  To see him laugh so hard from lines on a page.  To see him experience the whole world melting away and get lost in a book.  

If we could just bottle up that enthusiasm and passion.  To stop time and hold onto it forever.

And then we did just that!  We captured his love of reading!  During his Back To School mini session.  These photos melt my heart every single time I see them.  They suspend time and capture his passion for reading.  They let me hold onto it forever.  And that is magical.

So I'm super excited for Back To School Mini Sessions this year!
We will have three different dates available:

SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st...outdoors
SUNDAY, AUGUST 2nd...in studio
TUESDAY, AUGUST 4th...outdoors

Sessions will be booked in 15 minute increments.

More details coming soon!!!

Cheers, Chance

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Daddy & Me Session | Castle Rock

Love the bright colors in this Daddy & Me session where we met up with these handsome fellas at a trail in Castle Rock.

Capturing daddy and son bonding time is just so magical.
It was a perfect day to pitch a tent for an adventure and throw a football! 

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Baby Plan | 6 Month Session | Fly'n B Park

Donovan was such a delight for his 6 month session that we just couldn't resist sharing a few sneak peeks!  This little guy is always so happy for his photos!  Gotta love that!  He just makes us smile!

And we absolutely adore getting to see how much he is growing throughout his baby plan! 
He was just 10 days new for his newborn photos, then pushing up for his 4 month photos, and now sitting up in his 6 month photos!  Wow time flies!

We can't wait to see how much he has grown in his next session!

Happy 4th of July - Personal Post | Highlands Ranch Photographer

Happy Independence Day!!!! Hope you get to celebrate the 4th of July with Fireworks, BBQ's, Friends & Family!!!

This was the most random impromptu photoshoot :) but we wanted to share some of our littles having fun in their 4th of July attire! We'll be heading over to the Highlands Ranch parade on Saturday as well as the Fireworks that evening and block party all day long... be sure to follow us on instagram to see what we are up to this weekend :)  https://instagram.com/sharonsphoto/

Highlands Ranch Photographer | Baby Plan | 9 Month Session | Fly'n B Park

Summer, this girl, and sunglasses....ummmm...yes!  
We just had to share a few sneak peeks!

We absolutely loved seeing how much Blake has grown since her last baby plan session!
The sun was shining and Fly'n B Park was so bright and green!
It was perfect day to don her sunglasses and play in the park with big sister for photos!

Such a super fun 9 Month Session with this sweet girl!