
This is our old blog, visit us over at www.sharonarnoldi.com/blog ... Sharon Arnoldi is a Colorado mountain family photographer  


Our Favorite Local Snowy Photo Session Spots

The snow here in Colorado is absolutely gorgeous, and it really makes for an amazing backdrop for photos!  I just wanted to highlight three of my absolute favorite locations for snowy family photos.

1. Fly'n B Park in Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Fly'n B Park is seriously Highlands Ranch Photographer heaven! At any given time you will likely run into 4-5 other photographers while out shooting here.  I still LOVE it though, and it's big enough to support a lot of photographers at once. There just seems to be infinite great locations, and it doesn't disappoint in the winter. 

2. South Valley Park in Littleton, Colorado [REQUIRES Jefferson County Permit]

Even though this location requires a permit it's worth it and it's easier & cheaper to get than photographing at Red Rocks.  There are two parking lots for the park one on each end of the trail, but I prefer to park alongside the street and hike down to the path.  If that's not an option then parking at the lot that's a bit further west is the way to go unless you want a long hike!

3. Columbine Open Space - Castle Rock, Colorado

Columbine Open Space in Castle Rock has this AMAZING red barn! It is a highly requested location from our clients.  The spot is technically in Castle Rock however is crazy far south of Plum Creek Pkwy.  The easiest way I've found is it head south on I-25 to Tomah Rd then come back North on the service road.  Besides the barn it has evergreens, a little moutainview, a red barn, a rock building, and a neat one lane bridge.  Just one note about this location, its a nature preserve so no dogs allowed. 

Enjoy & Happy Shooting :)